Robert Filliou
Born: 1926 in Sauce, France
Died: 1987
Art: Fluxus Artist, Filmmaker, Sculpture, Happenings
Biography of Robert Filliou on Wikipedia
Robert Filliou
Robert Filliou
Collage with linen and paper on wooden pates, on the back side signed,
sice: 73,5 x 9,5 x 2 cm.
In catalogue: Paris Musee d´Art Modern, 1984, Hannover Sprengel Museum, 1984, Bern Kunsthaller, 1985.
Price: Sold
Robert Filliou
"MAI 22, 1973 8:29 to 8:32 A.M. CALENDAR, 1973"
2 cardboard boxes with photography’s, pencil, pasted paper, ribbon and string, signed and dated.
Size: 50,50 x 74,50 x 10 cm
Price: Sold
Provenance: by artist
Galerie Philip Nelson, Paris
Collection particulière, Paris
Robert Filliou
"the art of living of the criminal classes"
Wood, nails, cardboard and wire, 1969
Size: 67 x 19 x 7 cm
Price: Sold
Robert Filliou
"Poém Collectif"
Daily-Bul, 1968
24 pages
Price: sold
Robert Filliou
"modern video-model"
Lithography, signed, 1983
Size: 48 x 64 cm,
Price: 1800, - Euro
Robert Filliou
Lithography, signed, 1983
Size: 56 x 42 cm
Price: 1800, - Euro